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Action-packed summer in South Tyrol

Nature’s adventure park calls

Summer is as variety-packed and exciting in South Tyrol as at an adventure park! We at the Alphotel Tyrol have put together the best adventure tips especially for families. Have fun browsing!

The barefoot trail, Pfeifer Huisele trail, Racines/Ratschings mountain adventure park and numerous tours can be reached on foot from the hotel.

Skytrek high-rope course in Vitipeno/Sterzing 

With the treetops close enough to touch, you balance on narrow suspension bridges, rope constructions and nets and conquer 6 exciting courses with roughly 80 obstacles. Adults and children are guaranteed an adrenaline rush when climbing at lofty heights. However, summer in South Tyrol is not just exciting up high, but also when you have to speed down again, at the end of every course on a zip line. Secured by just a wire rope, the thrilling fun in the climbing park near Vitipeno/Sterzing requires nerves that are as strong as the wire ropes, but don’t worry – the fun outweighs the risk!

Racines/Ratschings mountain adventure park 

There is plenty to explore up the mountain! Use the summer in South Tyrol to find out more about the local flora and fauna. On an exciting adventure trail, which was especially designed for families in the Racines/Ratschings-Giovo/Jaufen mountain area and is suitable for pushchairs, you come across nature in an interactive way. You roam through a world of ants, a world of marmots, a petting zoo and more on the 45-minute discovery tour.

Pfeifer Huisele trail 

According to legend, Pfeifer Huisele was a sorcerer from Racines/Ratschings. Find out more about this South Tyrolean wizard and visit the ruins of his alleged birth house during a family walk in summer! The trail starts right in front of the hotel and leads in about 3.5 hours (there and back) to Valettina/Flading. If you feel inspired, you can still continue all the way to the idyllic Butsee lake (total duration of hike: about 6 hours).

Barefoot trail 

A trail for the senses. You literally feel the summer in South Tyrol on the barefoot trail in Racines di Dentro/Innerratschings. Feel the local nature, sand, wood and grass with your feet at 400 metres, which is what makes the trail so unique for feet. This thrilling experience fills both the young and old with joy.

Educational nature trail at Castel/Schloss Wolfsthurn 

The educational nature trail leads from the Wolfsthurn Baroque castle in Mareta/Mareit on a 1-hour tour for both young and old nature lovers. Various educational stations along the way bring hikers into contact with nature in a very special way – ant hills, ponds, forest phones, pavilions and much more can be researched. The path is stunning in the summer in South Tyrol, it is ideally suited to children and starts at the castle pond and ends at the parish church.

Mountain carts 

Whizz into summer in South Tyrol! In the hiking area of Ladurns you head steeply downhill on gravel paths on 3-wheelers, so-called mountain carts; without any engine noise but with a massive portion of fun instead! You have to brake in one or two places of course, for safety’s sake. The environmentally-friendly mountain carts can be hired from the age of 14 upwards and really get you in the mood for your summer in South Tyrol on the 6.5 km course with an incline of 3-10%!


An instant buzz for adrenaline junkies and water babies. More about thisRafting & Paragliding

More about summer in South Tyrol? Click here for our variety-packed weekly programme!