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Winter Action
Winter Action
Winter Action
Winter Action
Winter Action
Winter Action
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Winter in South Tyrol – snow crystal weeks

An unparalleled winter paradise

Bring on winter in South Tyrol! The adventure world of Racines/Ratschings welcomes you and your children with a whole load of fun and action. Boredom is out! You can find our tips for your fabulous winter in South Tyrol below.

Racines/Ratschings-Giovo/Jaufen children’s skiing area 

Is there any better way to spend the winter in South Tyrol than on skis? Take to the slopes on your skis, which mean the world to some people, with your children. The children’s skiing area in the Racines/Ratschings-Giovo/Jaufen skiing area offers individual and group skiing lessons and therefore the opportunity to learn skiing in a fun way with children of the same age. 

Racines/Ratschings ski school
T +39 0472 659 131

Tobogganing fun 

Tobogganing is really great fun and is simply part and parcel of winter in South Tyrol! In the Racines/Ratschings-Giovo/Jaufen skiing area tobogganing is even more fun because you can conveniently reach the start by gondola and once you’re at the top all you have to do is jump on the toboggan to enjoy a fun toboggan run. Children swerve over the nursery slopes and have a great time diving in snow. 

Skiers and snowboarders also have a great time in the cool Funpark and we make the winter in South Tyrol even sweeter for you with our variety-packed weekly programme!