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HolidayCheck Award and other awards

Sincere thanks to our lovely guests!

HolidayCheck Award, Certificate for Excellence, Zoover Award Winner … the list of awards for the Alphotel Tyrol is long. We are especially proud to have received the HolidayCheck Award for the third time. This award is a confirmation of our daily work and an incentive and motivation to continue doing our best. We would like to take the opportunity here to thank you! For your many kind words, for your loyalty, for your enthusiasm, for the joy you bring us, for everything that you give us and for friendships that have grown over the years. Thank you!

Eckhard about his holiday at the Alphotel Tyrol:

It doesn’t get better than this - Here are just a few plus points worth mentioning about the Alphotel Tyrol: the finest cuisine – a clean and inviting spa – the staff’s friendliness around the clock, from every single person – outstanding quality of the room (incl. bathroom). Holidays have never been so much fun!