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South Tyrol – news and valuable tips

News about your holiday in Racines/Ratschings

There is a constant stream of news at the Alphotel Tyrol in South Tyrol. So that you are always really well informed and can already get valuable tips before your holiday starts, you can find numerous suggestions and snippets of information all about your favourite holiday home in the mountains here.

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Highlights at the Alphotel Tyrol

Highlights at the Alphotel Tyrol

At the Alphotel Tyrol, it has always been our aim not only to meet the expectations of our guests, but to exceed them. Over the past years, we have generously renovated and expanded our dream holiday home. For all our new and loyal guests, this means: even...

Exclusive chalets in South Tyrol

Exclusive chalets in South Tyrol

The origin, the nature, the mountains, the source. That’s what has inspired us at the Alphotel Tyrol – a new retreat is in the making: our chalets. For families and couples, but also for friends who are looking for a special break in the mountains. Surrounded...