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Sustainable holidays in South Tyrol

Lean back and let us pamper you

Holidays close to nature in South Tyrol await you at the Alphotel Tyrol in South Tyrol. In every respect! Whether it’s adventures in our spectacular Alpine world, indulging in exquisite dishes made from regional and seasonal ingredients, in the spa area made from wood and stone or in the Bellavita Spa during treatments with high quality  active ingredients from South Tyrol’s nature – both our old and young guests [LINK Family & Kids] enjoy their holidays in South Tyrol to the full at our hotel!

We see it as our mission to protect our stunning nature so that holidays in South Tyrol can be as enjoyable, relaxing and packed with experiences for a long time to come.

You can’t pack any more days into life but you can pack more life into a day. 
Cicely Saunders

It’s this thought that spurs us on every day to create a sustainable feel-good factor totally in the spirit of the environment at the Alphotel Tyrol. We are striding towards the future with passion and vision for you, dear guests, and your unforgettable holidays in South Tyrol.

Our Nature Plus services on your holiday in South Tyrol’s Racines/Ratschings

  • Alpine Pearls: Almost untouched Racines/Ratschings is one of 27 towns in the Alpine region that promote green environmentally-friendly holidays. No through traffic, green mobility thanks to the shuttle service, e-bikes etc., idyllic nature ...
  • Fields and forests all around and numerous hiking and adventure activities on the hotel’s doorstep
  • Goodness out of the pipes: free mountain spring water throughout the hotel
  • 10,000 m² hotel garden with pond landscape, petting zoo and herb garden
  • Local and regional: we buy meat, fruit, mushrooms, dairy products and other delicacies from local farms and suppliers – for the ultimate indulgence on your holiday in South Tyrol.
  • No chlorine: brine preparation in the indoor and outdoor pool
  • Heat regeneration and wood-chip heating system using wood from native forests
  • Photovoltaic system to produce power for your holidays in South Tyrol
  • Biomass power plant: to produce power and heat