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Our loyal Alphotel Tyrol team

The many busy hands at your hotel in South Tyrol

Many loyal staff work behind and in front of the scenes at our Alphotel Tyrol and contribute to your successful stay at Alphotel Tyrol, sometimes quite obviously, sometimes behind the scenes. Many members of our team have already been part of the Alphotel Tyrol family for years, have grown up with us, laughed with us and supported us through thick and thin. All the Team Tyrol members share a love of their profession, which really delights us and our guests too of course. You will feel the devotion of every single one, whether it be advising you on reception, serving you a creamy cappuccino, dishing up a lovingly arranged main course or when you lay your head down on a freshly plumped pillow

They’ve welcomed many well-known faces at the Alphotel Tyrol in idyllic Racines/Ratschings to date. We’re delighted to present our friendly Team Tyrol to you!