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A summer holiday in South Tyrol that will simply amaze you

Breathtaking views and sunny active days

What makes a summer holiday in South Tyrol so special? Quite simple: it’s the almost untouched landscapes, it’s the captivating friendliness of the hosts, , it’s the sheer endless possibilities to actively explore the surroundings and nature, it’s the delightfully light summer dishes with Alpine charm. In short: it’s the magic of variety on the sunny side of the Alps.

Your summer holiday in South Tyrol is rich in relaxation, excitement and indulgence. Surrounded by the Stubai and Sarntal Alps you recharge your batteries, replenish your energy and forget your everyday worries in no time at all. We at the Alphotel Tyrol assist you with this and enrich your summer holiday in South Tyrol with fantastic experiences totally to your taste!

Our weekly programme in the summer