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Alpine hay peeling

20 minutes | EUR 45.00


This hay peeling cleanses skin deep down, boosts regeneration and leaves it looking cleaner and brighter. Abrasive phyto extracts intensify the peeling effect and prepare the skin ideally to absorb the active ingredients.

South Tyrolean hay wrap

Wondrous power

20 minutes | EUR 45.00


The mountain hay comes from non-fertilised fields at over 1,700 m altitude and consists of at least 40 to 50 different herbs and flowers. It stimulates the circulation intensively and relaxes tissues and muscles. Joint and muscle problems are alleviated in a natural way. The effect of these kinds of wellness treatments is proven.

The Alpine health wrap

Beneficial for backs and joints

20 minutes | EUR 45.00


Alpine fango mud and mountain pine boost the circulation, strengthen the immune system, stimulate the metabolism, promote detoxification and have a positive effect on joint pain, inflammation and rheumatic problems. Wellness treatments with that South Tyrolean extra!