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Beauty and wellness for a sustainable sense of well-being

Special treatments with that extra bit of pampering

Beauty and wellness go hand in hand at the Alphotel Tyrol. Enjoy South Tyrol with all your senses and do something really good for your body and soul!

Facials at the spa hotel in South Tyrol based on Doctor Babor, Medical Beauty & Wellness methods

Science in the service of beauty

This exceptional skincare range with recipes made from natural and extremely effective, highly active ingredients sets the very highest standards in the medical cosmetics sector.

Dr. Babor Vitamintreatment

50 minutes | EUR 96.00


The treatment with a high dose of retinew A16 activates  the skin’s natural regeneration process and makes the skin apparent well-proportioned. Ideal for strained skin in need of regeneration. It meliorates wrinkles and elasticity loss. The skin gets protected from a high effective vitamin cocktail prior to new pollutants and loads.

Treatment steps: cleaning, blood circulation mask, detoxifying peeling, eyebrows correction, active substance concentrate, massage, mask, conclusion care.

Ultimate Face Lifting the Collagen Booster - infusion treatment

The gentle alternative to cosmetic surgery

80 minutes | EUR 139.00


For demanding skin with wrinkles and diminishing skin elasticity and for anyone who wants to prevent the development of wrinkles and skin ageing.

Beauty and wellness treatment steps: cleansing, circulation mask, enzyme peel, active ingredients concentrate, collagen biomatrix mask, pressure point massage, shaping mask, moisturising